21st Birthday trends from social media
My roommate's 21st birthday is tomorrow so I made her a sign to wear out. People who aren't millennials are probably wondering exactly what that is, but if you are a millennial, you know exactly what I'm talking about. When someone turns 21, their friends make them a sign to wear to wear when they go out to celebrate so everyone will know it's their 21st birthday. Signs are personalized to the persons interests or a hobby they have or something that identifies them and they are worn around the neck. The sign my friends made for me was a Carolina Basketball jersey (seen to the right.
I have no idea where this trend started or how it started but everyone is doing it, but it has spread through social media. It's crazy to think that we think this is normal and very familiar yet we have no idea where it originated. Any trend can be started over the Internet because it is able to be spread so quickly.